Friday, October 22, 2010

What?!? Two posts in one day! I KNOW.. I KNOW!!!

We have had quite the crazy few months. Jaromy's bday was in September. Mine was in October. Both were pretty low key, but fun. We went to dinner for Jaromy's. OUTBACK! Mainly for the bloomin onion! We went to dinner and a movie for mine. It was fun. Thanks to the wonderful family who watch the children so we could go. We got a new swing set, thanks to my wonderful sister. They got a trampoline and had to clear out the backyard. Carter likes it, but not as much as the tramp!

We went to Utah a week after Jaromy's bday for his Grandma's funeral. His grandma was such a wonderful lady, who even though I only knew her for a short time, she will always be remembered by me with such kindness, happiness and hope. She battled cancer for a long time and it was her time. The funeral was lovely. (the parts that i heard- when I wasn't in the hallway with two kids!)

Enjoying the luncheon

Carter is growing so fast! I can't believe all the things he can do and say. He is constantly asking me "Mama, what'r you doining?" His new loves are suckers, running around the house with dad, and jumping next door with his cousins. He can say almost anything now, the only drawback is that usually I am the only one who can understand him. Starting today, he no longer takes naps. He still refuses to eat any fruits and most veggies. When I attempt to feed him such food, he picks at it like it might bite him and say "yucky!" He would watch Toy Story over and over and over again if allowed! He dances, does somersaults, tickles Chase, asks for songs of any subject matter, knows his name, and loves his family!!! He got a hair cut the other day. He looks like a different kid. Here are the before and after shots:

Chase is growing just as fast. He holds his head up great. He is learning to laugh and smiles ALL THE TIME. He loves his hand, and if his fist was just a smidge smaller, he would fit it in his mouth completely. He is such a good baby and doesn't get too picky and eating. I think his favorite time of the day is when Carter plays with him. He is a smiler, but smiles the biggest for his brother.

it was our ward's Trunk or Treat.

This was the BEST costume I have ever seen. Twins with their older sister.

Hello again!

WOW! There has been a lot that has happened. Things that no one can imagine..

Like THis:

PEEK A BOO- in Carter's dresser!

And this:
Being the cutest thing in town!

And This:
We could have a Thumb sucker!

And This:

Learning to Tie a Tie!

And this:

My dear friend Haylee made some amazing booties for Chase... Check out her blog