Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just a little talking from Carter....


So, I haven't added anything in awhile. The month of November was very busy. First off, Travis, Jaromy's brother came home from his mission. He served in Brazil, Belem mission. It was fun to see him, but more fun to see Jaromy and him act like they were teenagers again...wrestling, joking and laughing with eachother. The weekend he came home all of Jaromy's family was there (except Crystal- on a mission in Chile). It was fun to have everyone there. We went to a BSU game and it was freezing. Poor Carter, he got his first cold from the game.

Carter also turned 4 months old this month! I can' believe how old he is getting. He is starting to hold onto his toes. He seems to have discovered his arms as he stares at them when they are in front of him. When we went to the doctor, (The shots weren't as bad this time) he weighed in at 17 lbs! He's a big one. He is in the 93rd percentile for height and weight and 90th for his head. So, very proportionate. :) He is doing so well. He is always happy and loves to talk and even yell at times. He did have a double ear infection the week before thanksgiving though. It was quite sad to see him so sad. But now that it is taken care of, he is much happier.

Hold on, the binky might run away!

THANKSGIVING! We went to Utah to Jaromy's grandparents house in Ogden for Thanksgiving. It was fun. We stayed in SLC with Holly (his sister) for the first two nights and then stayed in Ogden at Craig and Kaleen's house (aunt and uncle). I love going to Jaromy's extended family gatherings because there are so many kids that are his cousins. They all loved Carter. I did go shopping and loved it! I went with Holly and got some great things for our nieces and nephews.

Cody and Sophie loving Carter.

Grandma and Grandpa Foster

On the way out of town, (sort of ) we stopped by an old friend's place...we were roomies in college. Miss you Jess!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Autumn Fun!

Carter is now 3 months old! I can't believe how fast the time goes. He is loving to sit up and stand in his saucer...He seems to want to know what is going on always! He is a happy boy that loves to laugh and smile, especially at his daddy. He is getting so big and trying everyday to hold his bottle up by himself.

Last Saturday we went to the corn maze in Meridian. I know, Carter could care less, but I wanted to go and especially get some pictures. We had a lot of fun. Jaromy and I decided to go to the biggest maze first. About 30 minutes into the maze, we realized that you are supposed to get a card with a map and find a total of 16 check points in the maze. HA! All the time we wasted wandering around when there was no other end to find. So, we managed to get a card and do about to check point 11. It was fun. Carter would have rather been home in his crib napping. He did like the hayride, however. It was fun to go out as a family and enjoy the season. Here are some pictures of us at the corn maze.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a mess!

So, the last few weeks have been crazy! October 9th was my birthday. Jaromy made it wonderful with making me breakfast in the morning and giving me a gift certificate to go get an hour massage! I loved it. My mom and sisters then came and got me to take me to lunch. Jaromy had to work, so we planned on going out the following day. However, the next day I got so sick, I couldn't stop throwing up. Saturday I had me family over for yummy sweet pork burritos and games. I had tons of fun.

That night, I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night after having two gall bladder attaks. What they found, was gall stones. I went to out patient surgery the following Thursday which was just a week ago. It was quite the crazy day. I had some great friends bring me dinner for the following few days to help me recover. SO, thank you natalie and Laura...loved the food.

Sadly enough, I do not have pictures of me puking, or having surgery...SO....this ones just to read! But I did get pictures done of Carter and will soon post them!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 whole months!

Crazy that Carter is already two months old! The time has gone very fast, yet as I spend each day with him I feel that he is so much older than just 2 months. WIERD! :) So, we went to the doctor and got shots. It was a very sad day for Baby and Mommy. Jaromy was able to come to the appointment, which was very good because I don't think I could have held down Carter when he got the shots. He didn't have a bad day though. He did pretty well throughout the day. A little fussy but nothing big. We also found out that he weighs 14.1 lbs. and is 24.5 in. long! He is well in the 90+ percentile for both! I tried taking some 2 month pictures of him at home...he didn't appreciate the idea!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy 24th!

Jaromy's birthday was on the 16th of September (I know...I'm a little slow!). First we went to a park and celebrated his, my sister's and my nephew's birthdays with some pizza. Then, we had Jaromy's parents and grandma come over for dinner and cake and homemade icecream. The next day Jaromy and I were able to go to dinner while my mom watched Carter. Here are a few shots of him opening presents and blowing out his candles. It was fun to go to dinner just the two of us, but a little wierd without Carter there.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Time is flying!!!!

I can't believe that Fall is here. Jaromy is back in school, I am working again, and Carter is growing everyday. It seems like Carter was just born and he was just a little boy who didn' fit into any of his clothes. He now is starting to not fit into the same clothes but for another reason! Last week, we blessed Carter at church. It was a wonderful experience. My parents and sisters with their families were there. Jaromy's sisters all came from out of town for the weekend and we had lots of fun with them. It seems funny just how many pictures we take of Carter on a daily basis. Before he was born we were horrible at taking pictures of anything, and now the camera is always with us! I love being a mom. I can't believe what a blessing Carter has been in our lives and in our home. I am so grateful for my little family!

I love this picture for Carter! In this one, he just started smiling!!

Carter has been very strong since he was born. Here is getting stronger trying to hold his head up as long as possible.

Carter's blessing day! Here are all the men that stood in the circle to bless him. Tony (Jaromy's friend from high school), Rob (my bro in law) Jaromy's dad, Mo (my bro in law), My dad and Brandon (Jaromy's bro in law).

Carter's first picture with all his cousins- missing some wonderful cousins in arizona and Maine.

Monday, August 11, 2008


He finally arrived! Carter was born on July 24th at 2:25 PM. The labor and delivery went well and mom and baby are doing great. Here Carter looks a little drunk after such a wild ride! :)

The first picture of the Emery family.

This could be one of my favorite pictures from th birth day. Carter loves his hands. He keeps them by his face ALL the time. He is our little man.
Carter and mommy taking a break at home. Carter loves to sleep in this position and no other ones! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jaromy and his jazz band playing at a birthday party at the park.

Baby Showers!

This shower was given by my mom and sisters at my moms house. It was a lot of fun. We played a few games and then opened presents and of course stuffed ourselves with yummy food. One of the games/activites was for everyone to write down 5 of their favorite boy names for Jaromy and I to discuss. With all those names, we are still waiting until we see him!Opening presents
Grandma Emery (Jaromy's mom) and Karen writing down thier names
One of the many blankets from Grandma Peterson.

Baby Showers

I was given 2 showers. This one was at work given by Sharina and Maren. It was tons of fun. Everyone decorated solid white onesies for me to use. I now have quite the plethera of original onesies. Everyone was a little annoyed that there was no name to put on the cake, so baby boy Emery was the outcome. Sorry! Soon we will have a name!Decorating the onesies. Some were quite funny. I made one...not so funny or cute.
We played a game where we had to figure out the melted candy bar that was in the diaper. It was funny to watch everyone inspect the diaper, but pretty disgusting to inspect it yourself!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Camping and more!

I just got done with my summer school class finally! It was a 3.5 hour class four days a week. It was only three weeks long though. But now that I'm done, I can start my summer break!! Yeah!! Right now, Val's getting her nails done with her friend Sharina and I'm loving my first Saturday without anything I have to do. It's a great feeling.

Anyway, we went camping over Memorial Day weekend and had so much fun. Even Val had fun although we were a little worried that she would be so uncomfortable. She had a great time. We went fishing and sat around the fire. The next day wasn't so great becaseu it rained, but we went fishing in the rain anyway. It was great!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I can't believe it is already May. It feels that time is going by so fast. I always thought that being pregnant would feel like forever, but it has flown by. We are still trying to decide on a name. As of now, I call him Baby Joe... because it makes me feel better that he has a temporary name! :) We have a list of about 15 names that Jaromy and I agree on. We are crossing off a few a week and hopefully the outcome will be permanent. It just seems that the both of us are very picky but with different tastes.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Boise Idaho

Hello to all!For those who haven't had contact with us for awhile... here's some old news.Jaromy and I got married in March of last year! We can't believe that it has been a year since we got married. We just finished moving for the 2nd time this year into University Housing. Jaromy is currently going to Boise State and is majoring in Finances. He has a full credit load and works 3 part time jobs- computer lab assistant, studio recording, and IT support with his dad. He likes it, but it keeps him very busy! He will be done with school in a year and a half! (hopefully!) Oh ya... and we are expecting! I am due July 19th! It is great. I am finally to the point where I feel pregnant and no longer fat. I am currently working at the same agency that I have worked at for the last 2 years. It is called Community Connections, Inc. I have moved into the office and am now a supervisor. I like it, but can't wait for July. Come July, I am going to be changing positions where I can work from home. We feel very blessed to have that opportunity.