It has been quite a while since the last post and my, how things change. Since last post, Jaromy has been accepted to Utah State University and will be starting the MBA program this fall, We have also moved out of our house and in with Jaromy's parents to save on one month of rent before we start the journey! It is a bitter sweet thing. It is exciting to start this and that Jaromy is so ready for it. However, it will be sad and hard to leave my family. I randomly think about the little things that wont happen anymore and become overwhelmingly sad. BUT- (if you buy two completos!) it is also so great to think about the friends we will make and the many things we will learn. We will be moving sometime in August. I have been looking and looking and looking for housing and jobs. It sure can get depressing when nothing falls into place. I am determined that this is for a reason. We feel very strong that the Lord agrees with this decision and so, he will help make it possible!! So... wish us luck!

On another note... we just had a Peterson Family reunion... IT WAS FABULOUS! My brothers came who live so far away and we were ALL together. It couldn't have been better. It really was a lot to ask for all of my family to travel here... so to those that are listening- Thank you! We went to Lagoon, had family pictures, Ate and Ate and ATE. For those that want to see all the family pictures and check out her blog- she is a great photographer...
Life has been great. We have been enjoying all of our summer. We love to swim, eat popsicles, run in the sprinklers, eat more popsicles and swim again. Chase and Carter will soon have their birthdays. Chase is so close to walking and Carter is so close to pulling out all of my hair! :) just kidding. Carter is doing great and continuing to learn and grow!
Next post... maybe sometime before we move... maybe not! :)
Penelope I'm so excited for you & your families upcoming adventures! I know it will be hard but I KNOW that YOU are Awesome & you will make some amazing lemonade out of some of these bitter/sweet feelings! Love you!
I love your pictures! And we are sad to see you go but excited for you as well. It definitely won't be the same with out you guys!
What an adventure you will have. Believe me - the Lord's plans are often so far from anything we would expect. Cling to your conviction that this is right and you'll be fine!!! Love you so very much - hoping for my own reunion with your wonderful little family sometime soon...
Cute family pictures! I need time to slow down greatly so we can hang out some more before you go! We will all miss you guys soooo much!
That is so great Val, you will have a great experience for sure!!! YOu will be blessed, the Lord has his ways. YOur boys are so cute and ooo so grown up.
:) Good luck with the move and a new beginning! Things will fall into place I'm sure, the waiting and figuring it out is so hard though. Maybe I am way behind- but cute hair! I love it :)
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